I've started running with a training group again...
When I first moved to Dallas I found a "home" meeting up with friendly runners at White Rock Lake to go on long runs in the heat and train for a marathon. The camaraderie is so great that I found myself looking forward to getting up early on a Saturday to sweat for 2 hours.
Fast forward to now: I often let my job stress me out when it doesn't really need to. This Friday morning as I walked into work I found myself smiling and here's why:
Whatever didn't get done this week and whatever challenges are ahead for next week are whatever they are and I can't change them. However, I did know that in about 24 hours I would be having a post-run brunch with my friends. We would be chatting, laughing, smiling, and generally feeling good.
Awww, you're too fast to run with, but I loved talking with you at breakfast this morning. We do indeed have a great running group.