
A place in time is a home you can't go back to...

My train of thoughts after reading my friend's post here.

Let's start with gamma-ray bursts:

Copyright by The National Science Foundation

Here's a reference for good measure:

If gamma-ray bursts periodically cleanse space of life, we'll probably never make contact with another life-form.  We just don't have time...either we'll be dead, or they'll be dead by the time we would have made contact with them.  We may not have time to get off this planet for the same reason.  Not that I want to, because I kind of like it here:

Photo by Angela (using my camera...so I guess we both get credit? :-)

The above was taken from a recent camping trip to Palo Duro Canyon.  It was on the aforementioned trip while gazing at some stars and chatting with a friend, that I had a series of thoughts I periodically have about time, infinity, and mortality.

You can't go back.  You can try to relive something that has happened, but you can't do it.  What can you do it you feel like your home was a time?  Not a place, but simply a combination of circumstances that made you feel like you were right where you belonged?

Should you seek it out?  Should you try to recreate it?  Should you wait for it?

I'm stuck.

There's a card on my desk that my mother sent to me that has the following quote:

"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." - Anais Nin

Is it that I don't know what to do?  Or that I don't have the courage to do what I know I should do?

1 comment:

  1. I loved our conversation in Palo Duro while looking at the full moon and the stars. We must be on the same wavelength this week since I also just wrote a post about the concept of "home." Interesting that you think of home as a certain time in your life, whereas I think of it as a certain place.
